How To Play This Game of Tag:Post these rules on your blog.List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!3 JOYS1. My fiance, James Leslie Pendleton- I am so excited to be his companion for the rest of eternity.
2. Family- I really enjoy spending time with family members, and I also having fun getting to know my "soon to be" family members.
3. Sunbathing- I love the sun... not only for providing me with the vitamin D I need but, also improving my mood:)
3 FEARS1. Loosing James... period the end.
2. Not being able to have children
3. I have a vivid imagination so I think of many things such as falling off high places and breaking my neck, dying in a car crash (which can be alittle too colorful), having a terminal disease, being rapped or brutelly assaulted, etc. If it has ever happend... I probably have feared it. I promise I am not a freak!lol
3 OBSESSIONS/ COLLECTIONS1. Tabloids and all fashion magizines (US weekly, People, Cosmo, Self, Vogue, etc). just a few to name... it is really pathetic to be honest.
2. Wedding Planning. I Really enjoy doing this to my very own surprise! I love finding little things and creative ways to portray "Our Story"...
3. COOKING. I have been presented with a new challenge (probably almost impossible), but my goal is to make healthy food taste as good as fatting unhealthy I just want James to live a long long time!
3 GOALS1.To be the best companion I can be to James! I hope I can make him as happy as he does me!
2. To go to graduate school in Art Therapy (hopefully in San Diego).
3. To be a stay home mom while my children are young... when they need me the most. Hopefully, I can learn to really appreciate the small moments in life and treasure them.
3 RANDOM/SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT MYSELF1. I can be very annoying... almost like a little kid. I get in these moods where I have to bug someone... just ask Geneve or James. Thank goodness they still love ME!!
2. I really want to learn a foreign language... I know you are probably thinking that if I haven't learned one by now since I am 23... why start. But I will know atleast ONE before I die... it will Probably be spanish since I already know a few
3. I am EXTREMELY lucky... I know that people say this all the time, but that is how I got through that is the only way I can example it. But, really I win at most all games I play, I get to marry James, and it seems that I always get what I really want. Some people tell me that is because I am a hard worker, but I still believe it is just luck:)