Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Met the Quota.

You know that you have been reading blogs too long when...

You are viewing a site with adorable childrens creations... as you look around for more items and you see "view blog". Everyone seems to have a website AND blog now a days, right? Your heart jumps at the chance to see more sensational pieces, but the bubble bursts. You just realized (after clicking the link and being denied- you have no items in your BAG) what it really said...
It's time to get off.
Your BLOG quota has been met for today.
At least, I was just window shopping to get ideas. James would be proud. Actually he would probably make the comment, "Why were you surfing the web? You are suppose to be sleeping when Avery does. Looking at the computer is NOT taking it easy. You need to rest." Yep, I can hear his voice now which makes me smile. I love Mr. Pendleton.
P.S. Have fun today at your NEW job (location), babe.

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