Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Met the Quota.

You know that you have been reading blogs too long when...

You are viewing a site with adorable childrens creations... as you look around for more items and you see "view blog". Everyone seems to have a website AND blog now a days, right? Your heart jumps at the chance to see more sensational pieces, but the bubble bursts. You just realized (after clicking the link and being denied- you have no items in your BAG) what it really said...
It's time to get off.
Your BLOG quota has been met for today.
At least, I was just window shopping to get ideas. James would be proud. Actually he would probably make the comment, "Why were you surfing the web? You are suppose to be sleeping when Avery does. Looking at the computer is NOT taking it easy. You need to rest." Yep, I can hear his voice now which makes me smile. I love Mr. Pendleton.
P.S. Have fun today at your NEW job (location), babe.

Growing Pains

As a new mom, I am having growing pains. These pains aren't from stretching skin or swollen feet. Instead, the pains come from deep inside: The knowledge that my beautiful baby girl won't stay a baby for long.

*Avery Lyn 5 weeks old*

It's crazy to think about how much she has already grown and changed. She is discovering herself and the world around her more and more each day. I am getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. Yes, I still can blame the hormones for my many emotions. Some milestones Miss Avery has already achieved:

  1. Sleeping in her Crib, instead of the baby bassinet (In her own room may I add).
  2. Loving Bath time- Daddy does such a good job making sure the water is warm.
  3. Making more adorable baby coos- she is going to be a talker.
  4. Drinking at LEAST 4 oz every feeding: every 3-4 hours.
  5. Holding up her head so she can look around.
  6. Rolling over from her stomach to her back.
  7. Her hair growing longer.
  8. Getting chubbier cheeks.
  9. Sleeping better.
  10. Smiling at us.
{{Photo taken right after her rollover}}
Though it's hard for mommy to see you growing and changing, I am so excited for your future- to watch you grow into a breathtaking young lady. Keep on smiling babydoll, it lights up our day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

{26} The Alphabet Birthday.

One of my favorite pictures: engagements in Indiana.
Taken by our friends Dani and Jon.
Mr. Pendleton turns {26}.
I am making him a gift. It hopefully with be very sappy and make me cry.
Mr. Pendleton is a ROCK... he does not cry.
I can count the times on one hand:
{1}our wedding day
{2}When he was writing about our bundle of joy, Miss Avery Lyn.
{3}when I left him in Indiana to drive back with his sister
But his present isn't ready yet. I know LAME.
I want it to be meaningful and special,
and it seems I can only work on it when the world is sleeping.
I will post about it when it is finished, which will be evidence of how late (lame)
his gift was from me. I am the worst lover ever.
Forgive me.
It will be worth it.
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
**Hint: There are 26 letters in the english alphabet,
which happens to be how old Mr. Pendleton is TODAY. Nifty, huh?
I got a kick out of it. So I ran with the idea...
PS. You are my world. Thank you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Softball finale.

James loves SPORTS. I know this is a very very big UNDERSTATEMENT for those that know my Mr. Pendleton. He is always on some kind of team... softball, hockey, football, etc. Let alone he tries to get out on the golf course at least a couple times a week. He can do this because he takes "clients" during work. Hey it works out for both of us... he doesn't have to use "our" money or time to go, so I don't complain. Sometimes I encourage a work golf outing. Mr. Pendleton has a little pepp in his step after a round of golf, which never hurts. Love to see him happy, but sometimes I miss him. It's true. So here is the moment of truth:

I can't say that I am too sad that softball is pretty much done. I get my cuddle time back. Yep, this is my selfish moment, but I like Mr. Pendleton. I like snuggling up to him and just chatting. It might not be something he looks forward to, but I certainly do!
Good Job this season babe!

You might have learned some valuable lessons:

Winning isn't everything. You can just have fun. Don't pick fights with your teammates.Sometimes you don't have to be AS competitive. There is something such as a fun little game of ball.

To name just a few. Or not.

One Month Old.

September 25, 2009

One must celebrate their child's first month of life. We did it in fashion with a cute new outfit and cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Fairy.

We love you, Miss Avery. Your doting parents.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Country Music.

Date night. Oh, how I love this night. It provides time for me and Mr.Pendleton to be kids again, to bask in the joys of being us- a couple in love and no worries.

Thanks again grandparents for taking care of the little one so we (especially me) could get out of the house for a night of music, dancing, and smooching.
Thanks for the great tunes...

Mister Brad Paisley & Dierks Bentley

On our way to the concert from dinner... I even was able to take a nap in the car. That hasn't happened since I was 6 months pregnant. Before the pregnancy it was a regular occurrence for me, you can ask Mr.Pendleton.
The crowd was a little unruly and they happened to trash the place. Among the causalities was my sunglasses and James' bag of kettle corn. He tried to salvage all that he could. It was a small price to pay for the amazing concert Mr. Paisley put on. At one time the clouds began to roll in and we were being serenaded to in the rain. I loved it.

**Note: Mr. Pendleton always sings along to the songs. My little secret is... I rather hear him singing than any other music artist, even Garth Brooks which says a lot. I just love his voice and the way he closes his eyes as he belts the words out. Yep, one of the many reasons I said yes to Mr. Pendleton.

Check out his proposal.
Yes, I had no idea it was being filmed so please excuse the excessive kissing.

P.S. I really like the Bed and Breakfast +babysitting retreat idea.
We will try not to take advantage of it, Grandma and Grandpa Pendleton

Olympic Swimmer.

A few activities seemed to keep us occupied this past weekend. We have an Olympic Medalist in our family. Katrice Miley (my cousin) won the bronze medal in Special Olympics on Saturday morning for her swimming division.

She was so excited to see James and I there, that she almost knocked him over giving him a hug and screamed my name across the water. We were happy to be there and support her.
She is such a doll.
Katrice post-swim.
Baby Avery came to cheer her on as well.
Congrats, Katrice. You Rock!
**Note: This is the girls' THIRD Olympic Medal.
She received two for bowling last year.
*Thanks Tiffanie for the pictures.
I forgot our camera- of course.

Family Softball.

A few activities seemed to keep us occupied this past weekend. We were sad to see Auntie Lyn leave... she needs to move up to mountain-land USA: UTAH. She came up for three weeks to help out with cleaning, babysitting, giving me pedicures, playing taxi for my mother (made it convenient not having to drive up to Draper to pick up the Grandma), hung pictures, rearranged furntiure, etc.

She did pretty much anything I needed, which was WONDERFUL.

Ryan's Softball Game. The Dress Sox. They won 22-13.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Kids say the darnest things...

I can't wait till little Avery can communicate with us.
I expect many moments of laughter and joy.

This video is a perfect example.
Where do they come up with their material? Love it!

Miss Avery celebrating her parent's one year anniversary.

Thanks for the enthusiasm sweetheart.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Farewell Auntie LYN.

She came. She left.

Here is some evidence of (Great) Aunt Lyn.

Lyn's present to Avery. The poop vibrator.

Monday, September 14, 2009


What the heck? when I first saw this commerical I thought it was a joke... really?!?! It is so corny and cheesy.... let the whole world walk around in a Fleece Pope-like robe.

They even have them for pets now. What is the world coming to?

I guess everyone is trying to make a little money in this down economy.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Life changes.

When a new addition arrives in a family it brings about changes. Some reflections of how my priorities have changed in the last month due to our new addition:

There are still dishes in the sink... but now, baby bottles occupy them.

There is still a mess on our living room floor... but now, it is highlighted with shades of pink and baby supplies.

We still have mounds of laundry... but now, it hides a hint of baby vomit and soiled clothes with twice as many loads. Thank goodness for washer/dryer hookups in-house.

But it is ALL worth it to see this little face...
Sometimes I linger longer than I should just staring at her after she has fallen asleep in my arms. My time could be spent being more productive by picking up, cleaning, washing, etc., but I cannot resist.

Can you blame me?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Porcelain doll

There is something magical about looking into the eyes of your sweet baby as she falls off to dreamland. I am lucky to experience it time and time again.
Love your big eyes and long eyelashes.
*Photos courtesy of Carly Pendleton Photography

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two week check-up

I can't believe that she is already two weeks old. Time flies even when you are lacking in sleep.
Two Weeks Stats
Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz
Height: 20 inches
She is doing so well... and growing so much. We had LOTS of questions for our Pediatrician about what is normal, how can we help her sleep better, Is she feeding enough, Is she too young for a bottle, etc... We are so lucky to have such a sweet baby. Love you little Miss Avery Lyn!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

a Sunday Afternoon

Most sunday afternoons consist of James watching a little golf or some sporting event after church attendance...
Now he shares his enthusiasm with his little girl.
She did so well during sacrament meeting...
and looked as cute as a button.


James stated: "If BYU wins this game (referring to the BYU vs OU), it will be the best win for BYU". Well, we won! Go Cougars... 14 to 13. What a sight it would have been to see my sweetheart jumping up and down with excitement, while our little girl slept soundly in his arms throughout the entire celebration. I was spending the last hour of the game enjoying some shopping with the Pendleton girls, so I was unable to experience the joy with them.
There was another monumental event that occurred on Saturday night, September 5th... our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. It was probably overshadowed by the Cougar win in the eyes of James, but I was eager to get out of the house with my favorite person and enjoy one another. It was a low key affair which is exactly what I wanted and needed...

{Our one year old wedding cake}---------{Roses & a card}--------{Daddy watching the game with his lil' girl}

I think you are suppose to receive paper for your one year. A thoughtful card counts, right? Our first anniversary was perfect. We were able to spend a relaxing day together.May we have many more happy years together, babe!